Guangxi establishes export alliance for anti-epidemic materials
 updatetime:2020-04-16 18:31:36   Views:0

In order to support the global fight against the COVID-19 epidemic and help enterprises producing anti-COVID-19 epidemic materials explore overseas markets, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region set up an anti-COVID-19 epidemic materials export alliance on April 15.

Initiated by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Guangxi committee and the Guangxi International Chamber of Commerce, the alliance is committed to building a global anti-COVID-19 epidemic materials supply and demand information publishing platform integrating manufacturing, testing, trading, and e-commerce, spanning production, supply, foreign trade, logistics, as well as commercial affairs.

To date, 46 companies and institutions have applied to join the alliance, including manufacturing companies of masks, thermometers, COVID-19 epidemic prevention clothing, goggles, and medical gloves, as well as relevant institutions involved in testing and certification, cross-border e-commerce, logistics, customs declaration, as well as business and legal services.


Representatives of anti-COVID-19 epidemic materials production enterprises pose for a group photo at the launching ceremony of the export alliance on April 15. [Photo/]

At present, the alliance has facilitated a batch of overseas orders. Purchase orders for anti-COVID-19 epidemic materials from more than 20 countries and regions have been received and 3.6 million disposable protective masks with a total amount exceeding 20 million yuan ($2.83 million) have been exported to Brazil, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia, as well as other countries.

In the future, the alliance will organize a group of enterprises to participate in online and offline training to help them understand the latest policies for the export of anti-COVID-19 epidemic prevention supplies, overseas access certification standards, as well as specific export procedures. It will help companies apply for international certifications, such as CE certification and FDA certification, as well as guide qualified enterprises to conduct online trade on well-known cross-border e-commerce platforms.

In addition, the alliance will contact embassies, consulates, and business associations in ASEAN, Africa, Europe, America, and other regions to develop a number of key regional markets.

Web Editor:MXJ