Djibouti awards Chinese medical experts for aiding anti-pandemic fight
 updatetime:2020-05-12 18:58:32   Views:0 Source:Xinhua


The Chinese medical team members pose for a group photo with local officials in the capital Djibouti, May 10, 2020. (Xinhua)


Djiboutian Prime Minister Kamil Mohamed awarded the Independent Day Medals to the Chinese medical team members in the capital Djibouti, May 10, 2020. (Xinhua)

The Chinese medical experts who were on a special mission to help Djiboutian people fight COVID-19 left the country on Monday after winning honors for their work.

On behalf of the Djiboutian government, Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf and Health Minister Mohamed Warsama Dirieh saw them off at the airport after rewarding them certificates of merit.

The ministers lauded the Chinese experts' constructive proposals and guidelines for the country's fight against the coronavirus, saying both Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh and Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed spoke highly of their contributions.

At a ceremony held Sunday in the capital Djibouti, Kamil Mohamed awarded the Independent Day Medals to the Chinese medical team, praising its efforts to fight COVID-19 in this Horn of Africa country.

He spoke highly of the work and professionalism of the experts, noting that they have visited different medical facilities, held consultations with local colleagues, and offered professional and practical suggestions.


The Djibouti prime minister confers the "Independence Day Medals" to Chinese medics, May 10, 2020. (Photo provided to China News Service)


The Independence Day Medal. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Web Editor:MXJ