Canadian zoo to return pandas to China early over bamboo shortage
 updatetime:2020-05-14 18:55:02   Views:0


Giant pandas Da Mao and Er Shun plays at the Calgary Zoo in Alberta, Canada. (Photo/Screenshot on CNSTV)

Two giant pandas, Da Mao and Er Shun from China, will bid farewell to Canadians three years ahead of schedule due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Calgary Zoo in Alberta, Canada, announced on Tuesday.

During the past two months, the coronavirus has affected the transportation industry, drastically reducing international flights and disrupting bamboo supply chains and quality.

The potential second wave of the coronavirus outbreak also poses challenges to the fresh bamboo supply, the zoo said.

“This was an incredibly difficult decision to make but the health and well-being of the animals we love and care for always comes first,” said Clement Lanthier, president and CEO of the zoo.

Da Mao and Er Shun arrived at the Calgary Zoo in March 2018 after spending five years at the Toronto Zoo. They were scheduled to live there until 2023.

Er Shun gave birth to twins Jia Yueyue and Jia Panpan, whose names mean Canadian Hope and Canadian Joy, in 2015. They are the first Canadian-born panda twins.

Web Editor:MXJ