Chinese embassy to arrange chartered flights to evacuate Chinese nationals in Ukraine
 updatetime:2022-02-25 12:12:41   Views:0 Source:Global Times

The Chinese Embassy in Kiev issued a notice on Thursday in preparation for the evacuation of Chinese nationals from Ukraine.

Given the rapidly deteriorating situation in Ukraine, Chinese nationals and companies are facing high security risks. For this reason, the embassy is preparing charter flights and is asking all Chinese nationals to voluntarily register their information .

The charter flights will be dispatched according to the safety situation and will be notified in advance, the embassy said.

In response to the quickly evolving events, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine issued two security alerts for Chinese citizens and companies in the country in one day. The embassy said that, although activities have been affected, there was no panic.

The embassy also asked all Chinese nationals to monitor the evolution of the situation. If they have to travel long distances, they should make sure gas stations are open along the route to refuel their vehicles. The statement also reminded Chinese nationals to put the Chinese national flag on their cars.

Currently, there are about 6,000 Chinese nationals in Ukraine, mainly in Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov, Odessa and Sumy.

Web Editor:MXJ