Cultural activities celebrate 48th anniversary of China-Brazil relations
 updatetime:2022-08-15 17:24:12   Views:0

The Chinese Embassy in Brazil and the Cultural Centre of the Bank of Brazil have been holding a series of celebrations - including a Chinese culture week with film exhibitions - since Sunday to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Attendees have experienced traditional Chinese opera makeup, Peking Opera costumes, making Chinese lanterns, and performing Tai Chi.

Jin Hongjun, the charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Brazil, said in a video speech that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil, the relationship between the two countries has become increasingly mature and stable.

"Here, I would like to pay tribute to the people of the two countries who have long promoted mutual understanding and bilateral cooperation. Let us celebrate the lasting friendship between China and Brazil and jointly create a bright future for bilateral relations," Jin said.

Offline culture activities were concluded Sunday. After that, an exhibition of Chinese film and television works will be held from August 16 to 28. All films on display will be in Mandarin with Portuguese subtitles, including "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Mei Lanfang", "Ocean Paradise" and more.

Animated mobile game films such as "Genshin Impact" and "Honkai 3" will also be screened.

Web Editor:MXJ