Female live-streamers boost China's rural revitalization
 updatetime:2023-03-14 11:13:02   Views:0 Source:Ecns.cn

Internet economy has brought more opportunities to women living in rural areas who are able to surf the internet. They have become live-streamers to introduce rural scenery and sell local specialties, making a great contribution to rural revitalization.

"The tangerines aren't waxed and ripen naturally on the tree. It is thin-skinned and delicious. Just place the order if you like it," Song Chunjiao, dressed in Yao ethnic clothing, live streamed online to sell the fruit produced from her orchard in Jiangyong county, South China's Hunan province.

Jiangyong county is known for its unique agricultural products such as fragrant pomelos, taros, and fragrant rice. Initially, Song Chunjiao sold these products on WeChat Moments.

After receiving e-commerce skills training organized by local government, she became proficient in short video shooting and live streaming sales.

Engaged in live-streaming marketing, Song sold over 900,000 kg of local fruits annually. Last year, Song Chunjiao established an e-commerce company and trained women nearby in online selling.

"Previously, they worked in farming or did odd jobs, earning very little money. Now, they are skilled in filming, editing, and sales, and their monthly income exceeds 5,000 RMB($727.2)," Song said.


Song Chunjiao sells agriculture products via live streaming (Photo: China News Service/ Zhou Wen)

Platform-based employment, sharing economy, and the internet celebrity economy, have broadened the employment opportunities for women living in rural areas.

According to the "2021 Survey Report on Rural Women's Employment in China," women account for 62.3 percent and 53 percent of the workforce in artificial intelligence trainers and village e-commerce live-streamers, respectively.

"Rural women have become an indispensable force in rural revitalization process," said Li Yuele, head of the e-commerce office in Jiangyong County.

Through short videos and livestreaming training, the county has educated dozens of female internet celebrities who serve as rural image ambassadors.

"They have led to a surge in online sales," she said.

Zeng Qinghuan, a post-90 rural girl, has over 3 million followers online. She films short videos to introduce rural life and engaged in livestreaming marketing, selling specialties from her hometown.

Within a year, she sold 150,000 kg of handmade fermented bean curd online. Zeng also provides free training for local villagers in livestreaming and video filming.

"I have built a new factory with a fermented bean curd manufacture, expanding the production scale and providing more job opportunities for local residents," Zeng said.

Women rural live streamers, whether living in the fields or deep mountains, have not only promoted sales of local specialties but also showcased the beautiful scenery of rural areas through mobile phones, driving rural economy in China.

Web Editor:MXJ