广西隆安更望湖源自布泉河,是个季节性天然湖,一年四季景色各异,是典型的“变脸湖”。每年春暖花开的时候,这里种植的上千亩荞麦花遍野盛开,微风吹拂,麦浪滚滚。 Originating from the Buquan River, the Gengwang Lake is located in Long\'an County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. As the natural lake features different views over a year, it is also known as a typical \"face-changing lake\". In the flowering season, a field of buckwheat totaling thousands of mu blooms together here, which ripples like waves and looks beautiful when the wind blows.
广西天峨三堡乡素有“油桐之乡” 的美称,每年3月底至4月初,全乡油桐花从低海拔往高海拔依次盛开,漫山遍野似白雪,层层花海似流云。 Situated in Tian\'e County, Guangxi, Sanbao Township is widely known as the \"township of tung oil\". From late March to early April, tung oil trees in the township bloom successively from low to high altitudes, painting the land white and creating a flowery sea that resembles clouds.
临近4月,广西柳州近30万株紫荆花陆续盛放,沿江两岸、大街小巷、公园景区,随处可见浅粉色的紫荆花,全城上演着粉色浪漫。 As April approaches, nearly 300,000 Chinese redbud trees in Liuzhou, Guangxi are blooming one after another. Light pink blossoms are seen everywhere along the banks of the river, in the streets, parks and scenic areas, creating a romantic atmosphere throughout the city.
广西桂林南溪山公园是著名的樱花观赏地,樱花树上红色、粉色、白色的樱花踏着春天里的脚步竞相开放,争奇斗艳,整个公园都变成了一片花色的海洋。 Nanxishan Park in Guilin, Guangxi is famous for cherry blossoms. In spring, red, pink and white cherry blossoms are flourishing vigorously, making the park a charming sea of flowers.
进入5月,广西金秀瑶族自治县圣堂山上,万亩野生变色杜鹃迎来绚烂花期,绽放于云雾缭绕近2000米的山巅。 In May, 10,000 mu of wild colorful azaleas are blooming on Shengtang Mountain, Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi, which is 2,000 meters high, surrounded by clouds and pervaded by mist.
即使满城花开,三角梅依然成为主角。青环路花墙延绵近百米,灿然盛开的三角梅,宛若一片粉红色的海洋。 Triangle plum blossoms are the most attractive ones among all the flowers in Nanning. The blooming plum trees over the wall along the Qinghuan Road create a pink sea of flowers stretching nearly 100 meters.
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