U.S. returns two important cultural relics to China
 updatetime:2023-05-10 18:46:37   Views:0 Source:Ecns.cn

China received two important stone carvings relics returned from the U.S. on Tuesday, according to the Chinese Consulate General in New York.

Authorized by China’sNational Cultural Heritage, Chinese Consul General in New York Huang Ping signed a return agreement for the relics with the U.S. side at a ceremony held at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office in New York.

The stone carvings date back to the Northern Wei and Tang dynasties (from 386 AD to 907 AD) and possess significant historical, scientific, and artistic value.

These relics were recently discovered during a criminal investigation conducted by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and seized by the office and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations.

Since 2015, the U.S. has returned a total of 404 cultural artifacts and one ancient biological fossil to China on five separate occasions.

This is another successful collaboration between China and the U.S. in cultural heritage restitution.

Web Editor:MXJ