[@ASEAN] Cross-border Tourism Heats Up in Guangxi: "China-Vietnam Border Tour" Gaining Popularity
 updatetime:2023-07-25 16:25:00   Views:0 Source:BBRTV


Recently, China"s tourism industry has rebounded. Consumption in the cultural tourism market is on the rise. With deepening communication and cooperation between China and ASEAN, both regions have emerged as significant sources of tourists and popular tourism destinations for each other. Traveling around the China-Vietnam border is becoming increasingly popular among tourists.

During the summer vacation, cross-border tourism in Guangxi continues to heat up, with the "China-Vietnam Border Tour" attracting numerous visitors. Consequently, border cities such as Chongzuo and Fangchenggang in Guangxi have ushered in a hot tourism season. (Bo)

Web Editor:MXJ