[@ASEAN] Guangxi Tengxian lion dance known by more people overseas: From a small county in China to ASEAN
 updatetime:2023-08-09 13:42:28   Views:0 Source:BBRTV


Hu Longying, a 24-year-old lion dance performer, and his younger cousin Hu Jinshan arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on August 1 to participate in the "Genting World Lion Dance Championship."

Lion Dance is a traditional folk performing art in Asia that has become a local custom in many countries such as China, Malaysia, and Singapore. Tengxian Lion Dance is famous worldwide for lion dancing on high poles, waist turning 450° on single poles , and other stunts, enjoying the reputation of "World Lion King." In 2011, Tengxian Lion Dance was added to China's national list of intangible cultural heritage.

In recent years, Tengxian Lion Dance has held cultural exchange activities many times in Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, and other ASEAN countries. Meanwhile, Tengxian Lion Dance has won many awards in professional lion dance competitions jointly held by China and ASEAN countries. (Bo)

Web Editor:MXJ