China introduces largest quantum cloud computing platform
 updatetime:2023-08-21 13:37:05   Views:0 Source:Global Times

China Mobile on Saturday launched the largest quantum cloud computing platform in China along with China Electronics Technology Group Corp (CETGC), vowing to take quantum computing to a new level of practical use.

As the country's most recent computing platform, it achieved hybrid computing of both quantum and general computing power for the first time in the industry, China Mobile said in a statement.

The platform was unveiled at the 2023 China Computational Conference in Yinchuan, Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

With CETGC's ability to self-design and build 20-qubit quantum computing chips, the platform is linked with advanced 20-qubit quantum computers, giving its users an open quantum fusion computing power testing environment.

The new quantum computing cloud platform can help researchers and enterprises to carry out quantum algorithm experiments, and it also grants public access to universities and other agencies.

As part of China Mobile's cloud service, the quantum computing cloud platform offers public quantum computing cloud services, providing an open quantum testing environment.

The cloud platform is interconnected with a quantum computer interface, which can send tasks to quantum computers with one click, helping users to use quantum computers more easily. This enables the platform to quickly respond to and solve complex computing problems in multiple fields such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, intelligent transportation and aerospace.

Compared with classical computers that rely on binary digits of 0 or 1, quantum computers use quantum qubits that can have a quantum superposition value of both 0 and 1. The feature allows quantum computers to process equations and algorithms faster than classical computers.

The jointly innovated and developed quantum computing cloud platform demonstrates the fast development of China Mobile and CETGC in the field. Starting from integrating and dispatching a 100-fold increase in computing capacity, they are promoting quantum computing from laboratory to practical application.

Web Editor:MXJ