China busts espionage case of selling national secrets to CIA
 updatetime:2023-08-21 13:41:13   Views:0

According to a post of China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) on Monday on its WeChat account, the MSS conducted an investigation on a suspect surnamed Hao, who worked for a nation-level ministry of China, finding evidence that Hao was conducting espionage activities.

Hao, born in January 1984, got acquainted with an employee of the U.S. embassy in Japan named Ted for visa issues during his study in Japan. Ted took the initiative to keep close contact with Hao through treating dinners and giving gifts. Ted also asked Hao to help with his paper and promised to pay him. How said yes to his requirements. Then Ted introduced his colleague Li Jun to Hao to maintain the cooperation before his term in the embassy expired.

Li Jun revealed to Hao that he was a member of the CIA's Tokyo station. He hoped Hao to join him and asked Hao to work in a core department of China after returning to China. Hao agreed and signed an espionage agreement with the U.S. side and accepted the assessment and training from the U.S.

After returning to China, Hao managed to work in a nation-level department and continued to meet secretly with CIA personnel many times in China, providing a large amount of China's confidential information to the U.S. and collecting espionage funds from the CIA.

Further investigation is underway.

Web Editor:MXJ