Conference promotes cooperation with overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, leaders
 updatetime:2023-10-12 17:36:54   Views:0

The 3rd "Belt and Road" Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and Leaders Exchange Cooperation Conference was held in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Oct 10, aiming to promote exchange and cooperation between overseas Chinese and Guangxi's entrepreneurs and leaders.

It was pointed out at the meeting that Guangxi is an important gateway to the Belt and Road Initiative and will play a more important role in promoting all-round opening-up and the construction of the Belt and Road.

The conference provided a platform for overseas Chinese and residents from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan to understand Guangxi, participate in the construction of the Belt and Road, and start businesses on the Chinese mainland. It also called on attendees to jointly promote Guangxi's higher level of opening-up to achieve the development goals of the dual circulation strategy and the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Keynote speeches and a project promotion meeting also took place during the conference, and visits were organized for attendees to the exhibition halls of the New International Land-sea Trade Corridor and the China-ASEAN Mercantile Exchange, as well as Fangchenggang city to conduct economic, trade and cultural investigations.


Web Editor:MXJ