[@ASEAN] New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor Sees 30,000 Rail-sea Intermodal Trains Operated in 6 Years
 updatetime:2023-10-12 18:11:57   Views:0 Source:BBRTV


A rail-sea intermodal freight train of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor departed from Qinzhou, south China"s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Oct. 8, carrying 110 containers of Indonesian ghee, Vietnamese sweet potato starch and Hainan coconut juice.

Bound for southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, the train made the 30,000th trip along the trade corridor since the service was launched in 2017. The New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor is a new channel of international trade jointly built by provincial-level regions in western China and ASEAN members.

To date, the Corridor has facilitated access to 138 railway stations across 69 cities within 18 provincial-level regions in China and opened 152 routes with fixed prices, offering a southward passage for western Chinese provincial-level regions to reach globally through coastal and border ports in Guangxi and Yunnan that enjoys significantly shortened time compared to the traditional eastern route. The transport services provided by the Corridor now extend from just dozens of goods like ceramics and plates to over 940 categories, including grain, auto parts and new materials. (Bo)

Web Editor:MXJ