Hainan issues over 430 certificates of origin under RCEP in first 10 months
 updatetime:2023-11-03 18:05:47   Views:0 Source:Ecns.cn

Haikou, capital of south China's Hainan province, has issued a total of 9,180 certificates of origin in the first 10 months of this year, valuing over 627 million U.S. dollars, according to Haikou Customs on Tuesday.

Among them, 431 certificates under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement were issued, involving approximately 49.8 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 125.65 percent and 163.99 percent year-on-year respectively.

China's General Administration of Customs (GAC) announced that starting Nov 1, 2023, exporters will be able to directly apply for a Certificate of Origin through several platforms, which simplifies the procedures and benefits enterprises with tariff reduction.

Previously, exporters needed to go through an administrative process with customs authorities when applying for the certificate.

Fu Wanru, a customs broker at a local company, said the cancellation of the administrative process means one less procedure for getting a certificate. “We all enjoy the benefits of these facilitation policies," she said.

According to an insider of Haikou Port Customs, the cancellation is essential for promoting free trade agreements such as RCEP and facilitating cross-border trade.

Web Editor:MXJ