Laos seeks more blood donors
 updatetime:2024-02-06 19:42:41   Views:0 Source:北部湾在线

Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone has urged the Lao Red Cross (LRC) to campaign more actively in seeking blood donors so that a constant supply of blood is available for hospitals.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the LRC to review the progress made in 2023 and discuss plans for 2024, Sonexay stressed the need for the LRC to review its plans to source more blood so that its humanitarian work can continue to be effective, Lao national TV reported on Tuesday.

He called on LRC authorities and officials nationwide to ensure that the organization takes the best steps for the benefit of the whole population.

Also speaking at the meeting on Jan. 31, President of the LRC Phouthone Muongpak underlined the important achievements made in the provision of relief aid to people affected by natural disasters, and the poor, needy and disadvantaged in remote areas.

The LRC has taken extensive measures to source more blood to meet the needs of hospitals and patients, he added.

The Lao Red Cross is a leading humanitarian organization in Laos dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of vulnerable people.

Web Editor:MXJ