[@ASEAN] International Students from Various Countries Experience Chinese Folk Custom of Spring Festival
 updatetime:2024-02-07 20:13:13   Views:0 Source:BBRTV

On February 3, the 2024 Spring Festival Greeting and Gathering at Guangxi Minzu University was held in Nanning City, where over 120 international students who stayed on campus during the holiday joined teachers in experiencing Chinese traditional folk custom. These students, from ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, as well as from countries including Guinea, Yemen, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, engaged in activities like making jiaozi (Chinese dumplings), writing Spring Festival couplets, guessing lantern riddles, and making paper-cutting works for window decorations. Together, they all immersed themselves in the festive air of the Chinese New Year. (Bo)

Web Editor:MXJ