[Cultural China] Copper Engraving
 updatetime:2024-06-24 18:58:45   Views:0 Source:BBRTV

The city of Yulin in Guangxi is an ancient city rich in culture and known as the "Jade of Lingnan." It is home to two national-level intangible cultural heritages and 27 at the autonomous region level. Let's find out what intangible cultural heritage Yulin has!

Copper Engraving


The art of copper engraving is one of China’s earliest traditional crafts, dating back to the Xia and Shang dynasties and flourishing in the Tang Dynasty. The craft is known for its complex processes and unique designs.



This art form harnesses the ductility of metal for creation, involving stages such as conceptualizing, sketching, firing, flattening, relief carving, inlaying, and welding… Each finished piece undergoes numerous procedures, where each chisel and hammer stroke determines the success or failure of the piece. Even a skilled artisan often ruins a piece with a single misstep in the final hammering.


Web Editor:MXJ