[@ASEAN] More Public Liners from Beibu Gulf Port to Singapore
 updatetime:2024-07-15 20:01:01   Views:0 Source:BBRTV


On July 9, the newly added public liners from Beibu Gulf Port to Singapore, part of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (ILSTC), departed from Qinzhou Port. These liners, operated by the "INSPIRE" of China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited, transports 700 tons of cargo from Chongqing—including refined adipic acid, gasoline engines, and salt—to Singapore, and then transfer to other Southeast Asian countries.

Reports indicate that the new route has further increased the frequency of routes from Beibu Gulf Port to Singapore. Cargo unloaded from the rail-sea intermodal trains along the ILSTC can be transferred to ships bound for Singapore as quickly as the next day. This reduces the waiting time for goods at ports, thereby enhancing transit efficiency and overall transportation timeliness. This development will significantly boost trade exchanges between Western China and Southeast Asia, and even globally. (Bo)

Web Editor:MXJ