[@ASEAN] Guangxi and Malacca Hold Business Matching Conference
 updatetime:2024-07-17 16:46:33   Views:0 Source:BBRTV


The China (Guangxi)-Malaysia (Malacca) Business Matching Conference was held in Nanning on July 6. Representatives of over 20 Chinese and Malaysian enterprises and business associations exchanged views. The Malaysian enterprises were mainly engaged in durian, cubilose, real estate, and other sectors.

As of March this year, Guangxi had registered 49 enterprises and institutions investing in non-financial sectors in Malaysia, while the number of foreign-funded enterprises set up by Malaysia in Guangxi had reached 218. The China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park in Guangxi serves as a model of cooperation between the two countries. Malacca encourages more enterprises to settle in the park to develop Malaysian specialty industries like halal food and tropical fruits. (Bo)

Web Editor:MXJ