2024 Reporting of New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in Eyes of Chinese and Foreign Media focuses on Nanning
 updatetime:2024-09-11 16:33:10   Views:0 Source:Nanning News Network


Recently, 2024 Reporting of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in the Eyes of Chinese and Foreign Media & the "Opportunities of China and Splendor of Guangxi" Communication Campaign took place in Nanning. An interview team composed of mainstream media from ASEAN countries, journalists of overseas Chinese language media, and positive KOLs visited enterprises such as Pinglu Canal Group Co., Ltd. to conduct interviews and reports.

It is reported that at the Digital Economy Exhibition Center of China-ASEAN Information Harbor, the interview team delved into how the "digital engine" of the China-ASEAN Information Harbor accelerates and enhances regional cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. At the exhibition halls of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor at Nanning International Railway Port and Pinglu Canal Group, the interview team learned about the results of the implementation of "Overall Planning for the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor" over the past five years, the strategic significance and construction status of the Pinglu Canal project, and the key role of Nanning as an important node city and a logistics hub of the corridor.

Web Editor:MXJ