China’s ministry urges efforts to ensure traffic flow
 updatetime:2020-01-31 18:54:03   Views:0 Source:Xinhua

China's Ministry of Transport Thursday required efforts to guarantee the smooth flow of traffic during the Spring Festival travel rush.

Local transport authorities are not allowed to close expressways or block main highways at the national and provincial levels for epidemic prevention and control, the ministry said in a circular.

They may work with public security and health departments to regulate traffic and check body temperature of passengers at entry and exit points of expressways, provincial borders, expressway service stations, state and provincial trunk highways and rural roads.

People found with a fever should be handed over to relevant parties in accordance with regulations.

"Hard isolation" methods, such as excavations and erecting road-blocks, aimed at hindering rural road traffic, are also forbidden, said the ministry.

Transportation firms offering passenger transport, taxi, and online ride-hailing services are asked to report information of passengers designated as close contacts of suspected patients to health authorities, said the circular.

Illegal acts such as setting up roadblocks and cutting off roads without approval shall be reported to local authorities immediately to restore normal traffic order in accordance with the law, the circular said.

Web Editor:MXJ