First regular shipping route linking Guangzhou Port to Brazil opens
 updatetime:2023-09-05 17:43:53   Views:0


The "Tian Le" vessel, operated by COSCO Shipping Special Transportation Co., Ltd., set sail from south China's Guangzhou City on Monday, marking the official opening of the first regular direct shipping route from Guangzhou Port in Guangdong Province to Brazil.

This sea route has become the fifth one to BRICS countries added to Guangzhou Port this year. In the future, at least eight multi-functional vessels will be deployed on the route, operating on a bi-weekly schedule, providing stable bi-directional shipping services between China and South America.

As the inaugural ship, the "Tian Le" vessel was loaded with a full cargo of high-value goods such as Chinese-made passenger cars, construction machinery, and electronics. It was also equipped with refrigerated container plugs to ensure the fresh delivery of cold chain products such as fruits and meat.

“The opening of this direct shipping route to South America has shortened the voyage by at least five days, lowering logistics costs and transportation times for import and export businesses," said Shen Jiayu, deputy director of the Business Expansion Department at Nansha Phase I and II of Guangzhou port.

Currently, the foreign trade routes from the Nansha of Guangzhou Port have expanded to more than 150, connecting over 300 ports in more than 100 countries and regions for maritime trade.

Web Editor:MXJ