China's research icebreaker Xuelong 2 heads for Amundsen Sea for comprehensive scientific expedition
 updatetime:2023-12-26 18:00:00   Views:0 Source:Global Times

China's domestically built polar icebreaker Xuelong 2, which is on the country's 40th Antarctic expedition, left Lyttelton Port in New Zealand on Monday afternoon after it completed material replenishment and personnel rotation, heading for the Amundsen Sea to carry out a comprehensive scientific expedition.

The icebreaker completed supply unloading and personnel boarding at the new Antarctic station being built in the Ross Sea area before arriving at the port after it set off from Shanghai on November 11. It also piloted the cargo ship Tianhui, which left from the city of Zhangjiagang in East China's Jiangsu Province and transported construction materials for the new research station.

Next, Xuelong 2 will head for the Amundsen Sea to carry out a comprehensive investigation and monitoring of biological ecology, water environment, sedimentary environment, atmospheric environment and pollutant distribution.

Organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, China's 40th Antarctic expedition will carry out comprehensive surveys and monitoring to study the role of Antarctica in global climate change.

Web Editor:MXJ