Saline intrusion in Vietnam's Mekong Delta likely to cause losses worth 2.82 bln USD
 updatetime:2024-04-02 11:28:00   Views:0 Source:Xinhua

Saline intrusion in the Vietnam's Mekong Delta region could cause 2.82 billion U.S. dollars in agricultural losses over a 10-year period, Vietnam News reported Monday, citing the country's Institute of Water Resources.

Scientists estimated the potential damages caused by saline intrusion for the years 2030, 2040, and 2050 would be 72.385, 73.250, and 76.485 trillion Vietnamese dong respectively (2.91 billion, 2.95 billion, 3.08 billion dollars).

According to the institute, under the current scenario, the total current damage during the last decade amounts to approximately 70.168 trillion Vietnamese dong encompassing losses in agricultural activities such as fruit trees, flowers, rice and aquaculture.

According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting, the intrusion in the 2023-2024 dry season is predicted to be higher than normal and will reach its peak in April. This will result in a lack of water for home consumption and irrigation in many areas.

Web Editor:MXJ